Using Electra Interactively

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Using Electra Interactively

You can interactively route with Electra using DEX.

This video show you how you can easily auto-route a PCB using DEX and Electra. In particular it shows you an example of restricting routing of a net to a specific layer.


To use Electra interactively check clip1306in Run Electra


at the top of the Electra Router Settings


Next click on the clip1282 button in the PCB->Route menu.

The main DEX window will disappear and you will see the dialog below and Electra will start.



Do whatever you feel you need to do in Electra to route your PCB, see below.

You can click clip1308 to minimize the above dialog.

You can also close it and even close DEX as so long as you have saved the project you can import the Electra route file.

Click clip1307 to copy the write routes command to the clipboard so you can paste it into the Electra command: window to export the Electra route file. As soon as you save the route file, the above dialog will automatically disappear and DEX main window will appear with the routed tracks.

Inside Electra

In Electra you will see DEX layers and named nets as shown below




After routing/editing your PCB in Electra you need to save your route file using the Electra File menu.



As soon as you save the route file, the above dialog will automatically disappear and DEX main window will appear with the routed tracks. If you export as a different name click on the clip1296 in the above dialog to import the route information into DEX.