Electra Router Settings

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Electra Router Settings

The Electra router settings dialog is shown below.

Electra is installed by default in C: \Program Files\AutoTRAX DEX Software\AutoTRAX DEX\Electra

It is C: \Program Files\AutoTRAX DEX Software\AutoTRAX DEX\Electra\Electra.exe

This is the full version and will work for 15 days. You will then need to purchase it from https: //konekt.com/c5/index.php

Unroute all before routing

If checked the PCB will be totally unrouted and the Auto-route will be a full route. You are strongly advised to keep this checked.

Show Route-Report

Check clip1301 to display a Route Report after routing.

Running Electra

There are 4 ways you can run Electra.


Show and Keep Open

Electra will open, route and stay open. AutoTRAX DEX will automatically read in the Electra routes at the end of routing.

Show and Close

Electra will open, route and automatically close when routing is done. AutoTRAX DEX will automatically read in the Electra routes at the end routing.

Don't Show

Electra will not appear during routing but you will see the routing being done inside AutoTRAX DEX's CB viewport. This is not available when running the freeware version on Electra.


1.This will open Electra with the current PCB but Electra will not automatically route the PCB.

2.You will need to route the PCB inside Electra using Electra commands

3.When you save the route file in Electra AutoTRAX DEX will automatically read be in. Optionally you can quit AutoTRAX DEX and import a later date.

Temp Directory

This is the directory used to store temporary files used by Electra during the routing process. Click the clip1303 button on the right to browse for a directory location.

Check the clip0609 button to have AutoTRAX DEX automatically delete them after Electra has routed your PCB and AutoTRAX DEX has read in the results.

Electra uses the following files.

bestsave.rte - intermediate routing results.

electraCommand.do - Routing strategy file produced by AutoTRAX DEX.

projectName.dsn - This is the file produced by AutoTRAX DEX to describe the circuit to Electra.

projectName.log - Routing log file produced by Electra.

projectName.ses - Session file produced by Electra.

projectName.sts - Routing file produced by Electra.

projectName.rte - This is the result of routing the PCB and is generated by Electra and read in by AutoTRAX DEX.

Electra Directory

This is the directory that the Electra router is installed in to. AutoTRAX DEX comes complete with a full working copy of Electra. If you wish to use a different copy of Electra then enter the directory here. Click the clip1303 button on the right to browse for a directory location.

AutoTRAX DEX looks for the Electra program in the following directories:

1.The Electra directory you specify

2.C: \Program Files\ELECTRA

3.C: \Program Files (x86)\ELECTRA

If it does not find it in any of the about directories it tries to run the freeware version distributed with AutoTRAX DEX.

If it cannot find Electra in any of the above directories then it will display the following dialogue box:


Max Vias per Net

Enter the maximum number of vias to use for routing between any 2 pads in a net.

Via Cost

These is a relative via cost. Move the slider to increase the cost of using vias. Electra will then try 'harder' to not use vias.

Via Size

Enter the diameter to use for vias.

Minimum Spacings

Track to Track

This is the minimum track to track spacing.

Pad to Pad

This is the minimum pad to pad spacing.

Track to Pad

This is the minimum track to pad spacing.

Via to Via

This is the minimum via to via spacing.

Pad to Via

This is the minimum pad to via spacing.

TPH Pad to Turn

This is the minimum track distance from a TPH pad to the first corner.

SMT Pad to Turn

This is the minimum track distance from a surface mount  pad to the first corner.



This is the track grid.


This is the via grid.

Click on the clip1285 button to display The Electra DO Commands

Click the clip1286 to display the Electra manual.