Creating Pads

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Navigation:  Designing a PCB with DEX AutoTRAX  > Parts > Footprints > Pads >

Creating Pads

For parametric parts, pads are automatically created. However, once you have fully created a parametric part you can add additional pads.

You can add a pad by clicking a pad in the clip1559 group in the Add menu.

Click clip1560 to toggle between and

TPH Pads

Click clip1561 to add a rectangular TPH pad.

Click clip1562 to add a circular/elliptical TPH pad.

Click clip1563 to add a polygonal/curved TPH Pad.

SMT Pads

Click clip1564 to add a rectangular SMT pad.

Click clip1565 to add a circular/elliptical SMT pad.

Click clip1566 to add a polygonal/curved SMT Pad.


If clip1567 is visible  it sets the size of pads added. So when pads are added they have a fixed size. If it is not visible then you define the pad sized by dragging the mouse to define the pad size.

clip1568 is used for setting pad number.