The Title Block

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The Title Block

The title block is a rectangular region displayed at the bottom right of the sheet as shown below.


The date is the date of the last save in your local time. If the same sheet is displayed in a different time zone then the date displayed is adjusted.

You can edit the parameters for the title block by displaying the Properties Panel. If nothing is selected on the sheet you will see the Title Block dialog.

helpButton  Clicking this displays this help topic.


This is the title for the sheet.


This is a more detailed description of the contents of the sheet.

Sheet Name

The name of the sheet. It is also the name displayed in the Projects Panel and in the viewport tab title.

Checked By

The name of the person who checked the design.

Approved By

The name of the person who approved the design.

Design By

The name of the person who designed the sheet.


The revision prefix. This is displayed along with the save count. The same revision text is displayed on all sheets.

Doc. Number

The document number. The same number is displayed on all sheets.

Show Title Block

Check to display the title block on the sheet, otherwise it is hidden.