The Status Bar

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The Status Bar

The status bar gives you timely status messages and details as you work on your design. By default the status bar is placed underneath the top menu. You can place the status bar at the bottom of the application just below the viewport. To change the position of the status bar right click on the status bar and select the position of the status bar from the context menu.

The status bar cannot be floated by the panels but you can I hide it by selecting hide from the status bars context menu. To reassure the status bar click on the view status bar in the panels menu.


clip0070 This is the text status area. The content changes for each command in AutoTRAX DEX.
clip0066 Check/uncheck this button to enable/disable tootips.
clip0067 Check/uncheck this button to enable/disable smart panning.
clip0069 Drag the slider to zoom in and out of the selected viewport.
clip1191 These buttons let you set the number of snaps per grid.
clip1192 This button lets you turn stuck to objects on or off.
clip1193 You can turn snap rotation on/off by clicking this button.
clip1194 You can quickly change the units from millimeters to inches or vice versa by clicking on one of these two buttons.
clip1195 You can change the pickup mode from top-level pick to sub pick or vice versa by clicking on one of these two buttons. Sub picking allows you to select objects that are inside other objects.