Editing Curves

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Editing Curves

To edit a curve first select it.


A selected curve

Drag any of the manipulators( clip0265 ) to change the corners or ends.

Drag the curve to move it.

Curve Properties Dialog

You can also edit the parameters of the curve using its Properties Panel as shown below. To view the properties panel first select it.Then right-click on it, then select Properties Panel from the context menu that opens.


Curve Properties Dialog


Editable Curve

Click the clip0523 button to show this help topic.


This is the selected vertex/segment. The selected vertex is drawn as a solid red square. The selected segment id drawn in red.


The X coordinate of the selected vertex.


The Y coordinate of the selected vertex.


Slide the clip0519 slider to change the 'curvature' of the curve.

Click clip0276 to add a vertex.

Click clip0277 to delete the selected vertex.

Check/uncheck clip0278 close/open the polygon.

All Segments

Check the Smooth button to smooth the entire curve.

Check the Straight button to straighten the entire curve.

Check the Editable button to make the entire curve editable.


Click the clip0517button to straighten the selected segment.

Click the clip0518button to smooth the selected segment.


Use this drop-down to set the layer for the rectangle.

Click clip0280 to fillet the polygon

Editable Curves

Drag any of the control points clip0521to change the shape.

Uncheck the clip0522 button to make the control points for the vertex independent of each other.