PCB Tutorial Videos

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PCB Tutorial Videos

Convert TPH to SMT

This video shows you how to convert a design built with TPH PCB technology to one using SMT. The design will be dramatically reduced in size and manufacturing costs will also be greatly reduced.

3D Modelling in Active3D

This is a quick video to show you some modeling in Active3D. Active3D is part of DEX.


Track Necking

This video show you how to reduce the width of a track segment to avoid design rule errors when routing between pads.

Real-Time Design Rule PCB Checking (DRC) 

This video show you how to do real time design rule checking when manually routing your PCB.

STL 3D Export

STL 3D file exported from DEX viewed on the web

Changing Track Width When Manual Routing

This video show you how to change track widths during manual routing with DEX.


An Insight into PCB AutoLayout with DEX

This short video will give you an insight into PCB Auto-layout with DEX

Adding Holes and Cutouts to a PCB

This video shows you how to add holes and cutouts to your PCB and how to edit them.


Importing a PCB from AutoCAD

Importing a PCB from AutoCAD into DEX

Combing Shapes into a PCB 

Combing Shapes into a PCB

One Click PCB board design, layout and auto-routing

This show you how to create a PCB board from a schematic, layout the parts on the PCB, minimize the size of the PCB and auto-route the PCB with a single click This process takes only a few seconds and you can easily do this yourself with DEX.

Rotating Parts on PCBs

This video show you the 4 different ways to rotate parts on your PCB in DEX.

Swapping connections for a part

Swapping connections for a part

Quick Autorouting

This short demo shows you how to auto-route a PCB in seconds saving you time and money. This leaves you with loads of time to do something more interesting than manual routing.

PCB Manual Routing

PCB Manual Routing is initially demonstrated in this video.

3 Manual Routing Styles

3 different routing techniques for PCB design

Connection a SMT pad to an internal copper pour

This video shows you how to connect a SMT pad on the top side of a PCB to a copper pour area on a different layer in DEX.

The DEX File Viewer

The video show you how to quickly manually route a PCB in DEX.

Interactive PCB Routing with DEX

Interactive PCB routing with DEX is demonstrated in this video.

Manual Routing with DEX - 2

This video show you more tips on manually routing your PCB.

Manually Routing TPH pads and SMT pads

This video show you how to manually route between TPH pads and SMT pads on different PCB layers in DEX. It also show you how to add redundant tracks and delete them.

Manual Routing with Automatic Targets

This video show you how to easily route a track/net on a PCB with automatic target suggestions.

Adding a Track Jumper in DEX 

This quick demo shows you how to add a jumper to a track to get past an obstacle that you cannot route around using the current layers on the PCB.

Swapping Layers with DEX

Swapping Layers with DEX

Setting a PCB track width from a schematic

This video show you how to set the width of all the tracks in a PCB net from the schematic. It also demonstrates DEX's PCB Builder and how it takes into account track widths.

Teardrops on pads/via with DEX

Teardrops on pads/via with DEX

Cross Cursors in DEX

With DEX you can have a simple cursor or an optional full screen width/height line cursor that many of you like. This choice is your. This video show you how to switch between the two.

Solder Mask Differences in PCBs

This video show you solder mask differences in PCBs

True-type fonts for PCB production

With DEX you can choose between classic simple 'stick' text or professional looking True-type fonts for your PCB silkscreens. This video show you the difference and how to make your choice.

Automatically connect SMT pads to power planes

This video show you how to automatically connect SMT pads to power planes


This video show you how to partially route a PCB track and them come back to it later and finish it off.

Rigid-Flex PCB Design

This video demonstrates how to create a Rigid-Flex PCB using DEX.

Manual Routing PCBs with Snap to Pad

The video show you how to manual route a PCB track and ensure the final segment is horizontal/Vertical or at a 45° angle to the target Pad.

Routing with Copper Pour Regions

This video shows you how the new routing using copper pour areas will work in DEX. It demonstrates manually routing a VCC net that connects three pads in the copper pour region. You will see that the integrity is maintained and you are guided to valid targets during manual routing. The end result is that a net has been correctly routed and maintains the electrical connectivity are defined by the schematics for the PCB project.